Our City.
Our Story.
Explore a collection of stories of resilience and hope surrounding 9/11, as told today by New Yorkers.
Guest Reflections
#neverforget #911memorial #groundzero
9/11 Memorial - commemorating the birthdays of the victims with a single white rose. It’s hard to put into words the emotions when you visit here.
Never forget...
9/11 Memorial in Manhattan 🇺🇸
9/11 memorial #newyork #bigapple #911memorial
Snowy flowers at the 911 memorial on Friday afternoon
National September 11 memorial.
Words nor pictures can truly describe the emotions I felt... Read more >
9/11 memorial site and One World Trade Center Centre. Crazy seeing walls and foundations, that are still standing from what happened that day - “NO DAY SHALL ERASE YOU FROM THE MEMORY OF TIME”
An emotional day today visiting the 9/11 memorial in NYC. I remember the day... Read more >
#infinity pool @oneworldtrade @911memorial
By the 9/11 Memorial stood this tree... Read more >
Remembering a recent visit to the 911 memorial and all of the lives that were lost that day and their loved ones who were and are still affected. Sending love and prayers.
One of the most emotional moments @911memorial. God Bless all the victims
"Light of Day"
I remember the first time I saw the memorial in 2015... Read more >
Always remember
The Old & New captured in one photo, we must never forget what happened on 9/11 and the @911memorial museum is a place of reflection & education. One World Trade Center is a symbol of strength, beauty & wonder
It's difficult to describe how deeply moving being a the @911memorial is... Read more >
Sacred ground
Entering the day that changed the world.
This was by far the most emotional yet beautiful tribute I've ever visited. Still in disbelief that this happened almost 16 years ago. My heart is always with our heroes
This wall tells an epic story about the... Read more >
Sunset at the National September 11 Memorial in New York City
Tragedy and then hope.
We will never forget.
A million tears
Ground Zero 9/11 Memorial was so amazing and unreal
911 Memorial -Falling Water - NYC
No Limits
I've never felt more humbled in my life. Being here yesterday was eye opening. May God continue to bless these families.
The feeling is surreal.
The most moving part of the museum. Truly proud and grateful to have experienced it and to see that the victims are honored properly.
A rose leads to a nighttime view of the One World Trade Center. Each day, many are placed along the parapets of the 9/11 Memorial on the names of victims that celebrate a birthday that day.
Unbelievable experience at the 9/11 memorial in NYC. Being only 10 years old and trying to comprehend what happened that day to now, 16 years later, appreciating the site of ground zero as an adult.
Spent some time this morning at the 9/11 Memorial by myself... Read more >
Reflecting AbsenceㅣFrom sorrow grew strength. The memorial is hauntingly beautiful
Yesterday evening I got to spend time at the memorial for the first time in my life with my roommate, who told us her personal story on that day. I had chills. What a beautiful place.
Visited @Sept11Memorial today. Museum tour was an extremely powerful experience. Brought back many emotions.
"Touring the 911 memorial is always filled with so many mixed emotions. Bringing our babies to the site... Read more >
"Visited the 911 Memorial today, was overwhelmed and awed by the emptiness and loss it conveyed."
"Had an emotional evening walking around the 9/11 museum and memorials. Particularly sobering given that I now work in the World Trade Center"
"You don't realize how emotional it is of an experience until you visit the Reflecting Pool memorials where... Read more >
"Spent the morning at the 9/11 museum. A stunning, tragic and beautiful memorial."
"Just in case you were wondering what was at the bottom of the pool."
Visited @Sept11Memorial today. Museum tour was an extremely powerful experience. Brought back many emotions. @ejgiovannini
"Forgetfulness is misfortune, while memory is redemption."
"Amazing place and very humbling glad i finally got to make the visit"
"What a great thing to see! Such a surreal and emotional experience"
As I made my way down from the One World Trade Center and stepped out in the sunshine... Read more >
Spent the day @Sept11Memorial & museum. Beautiful, powerful & sobering. Sense of loss all pervasive, memory of those who died everywhere. @Abi_Zakarian
"Finally went to pay respects at GroundZero & see the @Sept11Memorial&Museum. Completely in awe of Mark Wagner's vision. Just amazing. 🇺🇸" @keriannecdotes
Frustrated and stressed beyond all reason, I took a lunchtime walk yesterday to clear my thoughts... Read more >
If any of you visit NYC...the 9/11 memorial is a must see. @NYCbus
Overwhelming incredible museum done with great dignity
Very heartfelt trip with my family and a very well done tribute... Read more >
the people | hope remains intact, still |